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WhatsApp Queen

Queen WhatsApp
App Name Queen WhatsApp
App Version V32
Update date 11 Jan 2022
App Publisher App Development Team
App Requirement Android 4+
App Category WhatsApp Queen
File size 65MB
3.9 Rating (9171)

Queen WhatsApp🤩 is one of the most popular messengers for sharing photos and videos, and many of them are offered with more complete additions. This program used new features including stealth mode in the design that could not be found in the original version.

This software has the ability to hide online status and last visit, in which case you can go online without anyone knowing. Another feature of this program is sending text messages with more than 200 characters. The customization of icons and the use of new features have improved Queen WhatsApp🤗, and this has managed to satisfy many users of this unofficial version. And downloading the Queen WhatsApp version will provide you with all this and more.

Downloading the latest update of Queen WhatsApp allows you to send files in larger sizes, with which you can send the media files you want to your friends.

Support for different formats in sending means that you have no limitations in this area and you can easily send your file with a few simple clicks.
It allows you to use perfect security and high speed to work in a completely private environment, without anyone having access to your information.
Queen WhatsApp🤩 is another professional version of the modified versions of WhatsApp that our website always offers and updates.

Queen WhatsApp

Download Queen WhatsApp😍 is a very popular messenger among unofficial versions of WhatsApp, which adds many interesting features to this application.

As you know, the update of Queen WhatsApp by our site has changed the world in such a way that it is hard to imagine life without it.

WhatsApp, with its popularity, has managed to make SMS or text messages almost obsolete and reduce calls by more than 50%. As a result, it is not surprising that the developers have considered updating this program and making its features more than they are.

Although WhatsApp is one of the most downloaded Android apps. This is why the original Queen WhatsApp🤗 has been provided by the software developer, which includes many details that you will learn later.

What is Queen WhatsApp?

🔰 Queen WhatsApp😎 download for Android includes different types of themes which the user can customize.

🔰 Also, in this program, you no longer have restrictions on words and letters in your cases. Queen WhatsApp has increased character limit to 250.

🔰 The ability to send any file up to 50 MB in Queen WhatsApp for iPhone.

🔰 In addition, for video transmission, this volume has increased significantly and reached 1 GB.

🔰 Encrypting individual conversations is another feature of the privacy software. Since Queen WhatsApp Free is a modified app, it is not on the Play Store. But you do not need to worry about the security of this program because the security problem in this program did not appear.

🔰 You can now download Queen WhatsApp😍 for free with direct link for both iPhone and Android.

Download Queen WhatsApp:

The current version of Queen WhatsApp🤩 on our website is the latest version available, and as long as it is valid in this version, you will not be afraid of being banned or closing your WhatsApp account and make sure that you have the latest settings in your copy of WhatsApp without problems

Whenever a version stops or requests an update, you can always go to our website and download the new version of Queen WhatsApp update.

, In the event that you fail to update and download the latest version that can expose your account to ban or that in some way later to hack WhatsApp or discover a security vulnerability in it, that is why you always have to install the latest version of Queen WhatsApp, and you can do that from our site for free and in a very simple way.

How to update Queen WhatsApp:

The right way to update Queen WhatsApp🥰 without losing conversations is simple and easy, but many people leave it out. This can cause you to lose your conversations

First you have to make a backup and this step is very necessary.

And then all we have to do is download the new version and install it over the old one, here you have updated your copy of Queen WhatsApp🤗 to the latest version
And if you have a problem with the installation, check the space on your phone and there is enough memory. If this is not the problem, then you are not using our version of Queen WhatsApp.

Is Queen WhatsApp safe?

Queen WhatsApp apk 🤩after downloading it from our site is considered a completely safe version, and you can confirm this by examining it, and as we have said in many articles on our site, Queen WhatsApp is only a modified version of the original WhatsApp, because only after adding new additions. And the WhatsApp data is safe.

Downloading Queen WhatsApp😍 is safe and depends on where you download it from, always make sure to check the copy you downloaded, there are many famous sites that do this, you don't even need to download and upload the copy on it. It will just give you the download link in our site, and the site will check and tell you something weird and other spy virus.

What's new in Queen WhatsApp latest version:

🔰 Add video and photo media preview feature.
🔰 The feature of reposting your friends status to your status.
🔰 Enabling the creation of polls and voting.
🔰 Exclusive custom emojis added in the new version of Queen WhatsApp😎 with double tap for each conversation (conversation screen > 3 dots).
🔰 Added the feature of showing a notification for blocked calls when calling privacy is enabled.
🔰 There is now an option to disable double tap to like.
🔰 Add an icon next to the group name to know its owner.
🔰 Fix audio/video icon color in calling screen.
🔰 Correction of some errors in Arabic translation.
🔰Added the ability to share photos, videos and multiple files at the same time from chat to external applications.
🔰Add a tap on the chat bubble and quick options will appear.
🔰 Adding the Urdu language to the entire account.
🔰Improve the appearance of Queen WhatsApp addons for a beautiful look.
🔰 Enable filtering of unread messages with search.
🔰 Activate a new drawing pen.
🔰 Turn on online privacy Choose who can see you when you're online (Settings > Account > Privacy).
🔰 There are many other improvements and things that you can discover by downloading Queen WhatsApp

What are the most important and notable features of Queen WhatsApp?

There are many features in this updated version of Queen WhatsApp😍 download that are not present in the main green version, and the most important and prominent of these features are:

💠 The ability to disconnect the Internet from WhatsApp only: Many people want to cut off the Internet from WhatsApp because they do not want to receive conversations while surfing the Internet, and Queen WhatsApp🥰 provides this feature, as it is sufficient for the user to open the application and click on the icon that resembles the Wi-Fi icon to disconnect Queen WhatsApp from the Internet, and the connection can be reconnected by pressing.

💠The ability to see the status of friends without showing that you have seen it: In this version, there is a feature that makes the user follow the status of his friends without showing that he has seen them. To activate this feature, you must click on the three orthogonal dots on the right of the screen, and then choose the seventh option from the list that appears, which is “Hide that you have seen the status.”

💠Hide the phrase “Writing”: This word can be hidden in Queen WhatsApp🤩 by clicking on the three orthogonal dots, then choosing the fourth option that appears, which is: “Scripture”, so the phrase “Scripture” will not appear to your friends.

💠Hide the receipt mark: You can hide that you have received messages from your friends by clicking on the three orthogonal dots, then choosing the third option “Receipt mark”, then choosing the party you want to hide the receipt drawers from contacts or groups.

💠Hide Reading Mark: These two tabs can be hidden by tapping on the three orthogonal dots and then selecting the second option “Read Mark”. After that, a window will appear containing two options, which are to hide contacts or groups, and you can choose from them the one you want to hide from.

💠 Hide the phrase An audio clip has been recorded: This phrase can be hidden by clicking on the three orthogonal dots and choosing the fifth option, which is: Recording is in progress.

💠Hide Visibility: The user can hide his Visibility in Queen WhatsApp😍 by entering the three orthogonal dots, and choosing the first option, which is: “Hide Visibility”.

💠Notifications feature: Queen WhatsApp download has a notifications feature, which notifies you of all the events your friends do, such as connecting to the app, changing their status or photo, reading or replying to your message.

💠 The ability to create multiple accounts: The latest version of Queen WhatsApp allows users to create 5 accounts in the same application, and this can be done by clicking on Add account, placing the number and activating when the message containing the code arrives, and you can easily switch between accounts through the account switch in the application settings.

💠 Various Theme Stores: Downloading Queen WhatsApp gives users the opportunity to easily change the appearance of the internal program, such as icons, fonts, and colors, by entering the theme store and choosing the theme that best suits the user.

💠 Friend Status Downloader: Queen WhatsApp🤗 download allows you to download all the statuses posted by your friends by clicking on the status and choosing the download option so that the status becomes available on your device.

💠 Hide conversations: The user can hide conversations by long clicking on the desired conversation and choosing the Hide option.

💠Send audio clips of 100MB, while regular WhatsApp does not allow you to send clips of this size.

💠 Send 30MB videos, while green WhatsApp videos cannot be sent.

💠Increase the limit of characters to 250 characters, while regular WhatsApp allows fewer characters.

💠No Manual Update Needed: Queen WhatsApp features automatic update without the user downloading the update.

💠Ability to see the message of a person in the group separately outside of the chat.

What are the disadvantages of Queen WhatsApp?

Although there are many advantages in Queen WhatsApp🤩, it has some disadvantages that we will discuss in the following lines, they are advantages, but they can be disadvantages for some people:

🔅 Absence of technical support: The absence of technical support is one of the most important and prominent defects of Queen WhatsApp. There is no technical support team that answers users' questions and solves the problems that appear in front of them.

🔅Latest version of Queen WhatsApp is not available in Google Play Store: Because the store considers it to be an unofficial version of the green WhatsApp application.

🔅The latest version of Queen WhatsApp is not available in the Apple Store: because the store does not consider it an official version of the main WhatsApp application.

🔅 POSSIBILITY TO STEAL YOUR STATUS: Queen WhatsApp APK allows users to download their friends' status, anyone can download the status you put and save it on their device without the owner's permission.

🔅Ability to read deleted messages: Queen WhatsApp allows users to read deleted messages sent.

🔅 Multiple Versions: There are many versions of Queen WhatsApp🥰 on the internet, and this makes the user feel lost when they want to download Queen WhatsApp versions, the latest anti-ban version.

🔅 Finally, through the above, we see that Queen WhatsApp, the latest version, was very popular among users because of many functions that are not available in the regular WhatsApp

How to download Queen WhatsApp:

The method to download Queen WhatsApp 😊is a simple method and will not need a long explanation, as through our websites we put direct links for you to download it as you know

Our team will upload the version on our website, which is a popular site for easy downloading from, as all you have to do is click on the link below and wait for a few seconds, and you will be directed to the download page, and all you have to do is click on download and the download will start directly and after downloading the latest version you want to directly install the latest version on your Android phone.

Dear visitor, you know that downloading Queen WhatsApp🤗 is a modified version, and it cannot be found in the Play Store or in one of the well-known stores, because it violates its policy.

How to switch from regular WhatsApp to Queen WhatsApp

After knowing the various information about Queen WhatsApp,😊 which you can download from our website for free, with a direct link, with the latest update.

Since you may want to know how to switch from regular WhatsApp or any other version of WhatsApp

💠First, make sure you back up your conversations so you don't lose them
Then go to the phone files and search for the name of WhatsApp if you are using a version that may differ slightly, but the word WhatsApp will be present in it, so the name of WhatsApp has been changed, to Queen WhatsApp. .

💠 After that, all you have to do is install Queen WhatsApp🤗 on your phone, confirm your phone number, you will find all your photos, chats, everything that is there, if something goes wrong, you first made a backup, all you have to do is restore and everything will be back and you will not lose anything.

Queen WhatsApp update features:

🔰 The ability to change all parts of the program, such as the background color, title, and ...

🔰 Increase the allowed size of uploaded videos (the maximum size of videos that can be sent in normal WhatsApp is 16MB, which is increased to 50MB in Queen WhatsApp download).

🔰 The ability to hide the status and show it to certain people only

🔰 Send images in original quality: In Queen WhatsApp🤩 Anti Ban, images are compressed before and after sending, but in Queen WhatsApp update, the image quality does not change.

🔰 It contains a variety of beautiful themes (unlike the original WhatsApp which does not support themes).

🔰 The ability to change the text color and font as you wish

🔰Ability to share places with other users

🔰 It has more cool emojis

🔰 Maintains user privacy and security

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